Message from the
Donghwa Cultural Foundation is honored to welcome you to the Korean Media Arts Festival 2019: Technoimagination, with a season of events this Fall held at the Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Gallery (SWPK) as well as at other venues in New York City. KMAF showcases avant-garde Korean contemporary artists who are courageously pushing boundaries, interpreting contemporary challenges within our rapidly changing, technology-driven environment.
Many years in the making, the Korean Media Arts Festival has been a heart-felt passion of mine, as it epitomizes the mission of the foundation. Founded in 2006 with the mission of broadening and deepening the collaborative exchange of Eastern and Western cultures, the name itself is rooted in the very word “Donghwa (東和)”. Like the sun that rises from the East (東 : “Dong”), the philosophy of Donghwa is to dawn a new day, an era of global harmony and peace ( 和 : “Hwa”).
Technoimagination supports our mission to raise a deeper understanding of the cultural make-up of our diverse global society and to pave the way to greater global harmony. The digital revolution has completely reshifted our cultural paradigm, as international boundaries have been virtually erased, and our society is interconnected at unprecedented levels. The trade of information and culture has proliferated across all mediums and disciplines, and art remains no exception.
We are grateful to our talented artists and curators, generous sponsors, dedicated staff, and loyal partners, without whose collaboration and passionate support, KMAF would have not been possible.
Young H. T. Cho
Chairman, Donghwa Cultural Foundation
President, Sylvia Wald & Po Kim Gallery

Visit the Korean Media Arts Festival 2019
The Technoimagination: Memories in Time and Space and Technoimagination: Living Data exhibitions are held in the 4th, 5th and 7th floor galleries of the Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Gallery (SWPK), 4th, 5th and 7th floor galleries, 417 Lafayette Street, NYC 10003
SWPK is situated a the artistically vibrant crossroads of Manhattan’s East Village, NoHo, and SoHo, and is easily reached by subway to nearby stops: Astor Place (6 train), 8th street/NYU (N/R trains), and Broadway-Lafayette St (B/D/F/M/6 trains)
Opening Hours
Open Tuesday to Saturday 11AM to 6PM.